What is the I-LEAD Society?

The I-LEAD Society is a national fraternal and sororal (brotherhood and sisterhood) community-based organization that promotes spiritual and moral development, physical and psychological health, leadership development and personal and community success. The mission of the I-LEAD Society is to help its members achieve lifelong happiness and success through development of their full human potential in service to their families and communities. This work includes the development of personal skills and abilities that drive academic, social and business success. Grounded in strong interfaith values, the I-LEAD Society provides pathways to academic, social and financial success, including educational achievement, career success and entrepreneurship. The I-LEAD Society also unites community leaders in learning about and advancing community solidarity and benevolent public policy.

Who should join the I-LEAD Society?

A candidate for the I-LEAD Society is someone who wants to connect with others in order to form meaningful relationships that advance the work of self and community improvement: spiritual, moral, physical, psychological, educational, entreprenurial.

What are the benefits of membership?

The specific benefits of membership include fellowship, counselling to promote self and community improvement, connection with pathways to educational and career achievement, connection with resources that promote entrepreneurship, and opportunities to participate in workshops and courses that promote the Society’s 7 core practices.

Is there a cost associated with membership?

Membership in the I-LEAD Society has no mandatory cost. Members of the I-LEAD Society are asked to make a minimum voluntary membership contribution tied to their current level of income. While the Society will request that you make this donation, you may continue to participate in the Society without making it. The I-LEAD Society nonprofit organization and is an institution of purely public charity.

Is membership in the I-LEAD Society guaranteed?

While membership is open to everyone, it is not guaranteed. Members must complete an application and be approved by an I-LEAD Society local membership committee. The committee is tasked with ensuring that members aspire to the core values of the Society and will do their best to live out the Society’s personal pledge.

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