7 Core Practices

The I-LEAD Society focuses on 7 practices that fall within three domains of personal growth:  Spiritual Engagement, Spiritual Inspiration, and Achieving.

I. Spiritual Engagement

First Practice. Mindfulness

Mindfulness practices involve your awareness of yourself, others and the world without judgement.

Second Practice. Compassion

Compassion practices involve your loving interactions with yourself, others and the world.

II. Spiritual Inspiration

Third Practice. Visioning

Visioning practices involve your ability to imagine in great detail what you desire and what you want to create with others.

Fourth Practice. Willpower

Willpower practices involve your ability to focus energy on moving your current reality toward your vision.

Fifth Practice. Resilience.

Resilience practices involve your ability to learn from and persist in the face of obstacles and failures.

III. Achieving

Sixth Practice. Wisdom and Thought and Action (Systems Thinking)

Wisdom of Thought and Action involves your ability to work effectively with others to identify, map, track, relate and influence key variables in your sphere of influence.

Seventh Practice. Collaborative Creativity (Genership)

Genership involves your ability to surface the interests and desires of others and collaborate with them to design shared visions and desires, and to combine progress on your visions and desires and theirs in a way that leads to mutual progress. Genership also involves your ability to form strong learning relationships and communities with others.

As a member of the I-LEAD Society, you will work toward mastery of all of the above practices.

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